The place: somewhere in south Minneapolis.

The setting: Someone's back yard. Outdoor sculpture. Peonies ready to bust open. Other lush vegetation. Blossoms beaming and fluorescing in the fading light. A hot charcoal grill.

The menu: Grass-fed ribeyes. Fresh morels sauteed in butter. A delicious pasta salad. Roasted rosemary potatoes. Strawberries that explode in your mouth. Stella Artois. Summit Pale Ale. Some kinda red wine.

Activities: Forgetting about the previous 12 hours. Sidewalk chalk. Blowing off Art-A-Whirl parties to play tag with little girls. A jump rope for three. Discussing effective methods of squirrel control. Pro Tools in the basement studio. Crashing the neighbor's barbecue. Just Be-ing. A head full of fuzz. Big smiling. Big Fun.

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