Thursday, August 02, 2007

Of bridges

I started this blog a few years back, but didn't point it out to anyone. I didn't care who -- or if anyone -- would read it. I thought it might be fun to document the fun evenings my friends and I would have while dining and imbibing. I thought I also might teach myself a bit more than the basic html I already knew.

Then I got married, didn't write as much until my marriage was heading south, and eventually erased the whole thing. I think it's high time I wrote another post about dining, even though it was standard bar fare.

Last night I got together with some lads from my home town at The Village Tap in Roscoe Village. Petey, Skinner's Brother, and their friend J. and I decided to meet, hoist a few pints and connect after not seeing each other for quite a few years. (Actually, I'd never met J., but he was an old friend of the other two.)

So, we're sitting there, talking smart, telling lies, laughing, keeping an occasional eye on the Cubbies/Phillies game televised in the ubiquitous corner TV. We're eating pita and hummus, hot wings and drummies, and washing it all down with microbrews. At some point, I look up and notice the ballgame is no longer on. Some sort of calamity has struck -- CNN is on, and a bridge has collapsed. My eyes widen as I notice "Minneapolis" and "35W", my former and sometimes current stomping grounds. When I'm in Minneapolis, I cross that bridge every day at rush hour.

Our jaws hit the table. I don't have my cell phone with me, so I can't call any friends back home and get the skinny. Petey has his Blackberry with him, and calls his sister-in-law in Minneapolis. She gives us a little more information, and lets us know that everyone she can think of is safe.

I... I... I, I, I.

I don't know what to say, other than I hope those who were involved in the catastrophe are okay. My heart goes out to those who were smushed or have drowned, and their friends and families. I don't envy those who now have to make a daily trek to find another route across the mighty Mississippi.

The smartiepants over at The Aristocrats had something cogent to say about it, as usual. And have also put into words what many of us are thinking.

“No structural deficiencies” reported in 2006 on the bridge, according to Gov. Tim Pawlenty, however, it had been rated "structurally deficient" in 2005. Apparently still stinging from the heckuva job they did in New Orleans, the White House promises a "robust" federal response, to the tune of a whopping $5 million and some prayers. The Preznit also offered his sympathies, and used a press conference doing so to also slam the Democrats.

At least one pundit seems almost bummed out that terrorists didn't cause it, and whines about people "crawling out of their padded cells to pin the collapse on conservatives."

And 4o years ago, during the Summer of Love, Bobbie Gentry had a song about a bridge.

I was 5 years old, and perhaps I can trace my attraction to brunettes -- from youthful lusting after Raquel Welch and Agent 99, to adult lusting after my ex-wife -- to Bobbie Gentry.

I remember being excited to watch the Smothers Brothers each week. And one night -- bonus! -- they gave us this, performed live:


Anonymous said...

ana again...

wow, wow ,wow....i forget what a beautiful powerful song that is...stuff like that makes me cry..

and lord, bobbie is so gorgeous..

im copying this one...

yeah i saw the remark about a robust response and almost puked....bush has recently said hell veto a bill for 27 billion dollars to upgrade and improve waterways, canals, and levees on the gulf coast...

nice huh?...

speaking of which...ive a link of sorts for you....check out the my space page for a band called ..HUG....theyre friends on mine in austin...

they had a new video clip of them doing what should be a hit...'Dont Shoot the President'...

there are some good things about austin..

Anonymous said...

heres a real link...finding the right page is a tough...

HUG...youd like them...they are nuts...the live shows are a mixture of chocolate pudding, stuff toys...porno....ugly dancers...cheesy synth-pop...and drugs

blair the lead singer is brilliant...i saw them two years ago when they played at a former mental health center...and he shaved his head and dressed exactly like Dick Cheney...

ill never forget it..

Pretzer said...

I checked it out and am promptly doing my fan-boy best to become their Fiend.

I loved the Austin Chronicle blurbs:

"Just the ticket for anyone who finds Tenacious D too refined or Ween just not creepy enough"


"Imagine the teenage Frogs mercilessly thwacking away on their grandparents' Brook Mays magic fingers organ on Sunday afternoon after church and lunch at Luby's."

Pretzer said...

Oh, and any band that has songs like "Fucking A Fat Fold", "Carry My Seed", "Cough Syrup Sun", "Teach Me How To Rock" and "Dark Groin" has got it goin' on.

Anonymous said...

ana again...i have quite a lot of their stuff...even things not commercially available...ill snd you a fw things if you like...

on of my faves is a boot of them doing madonnas 'vogue' with made up only cover ive ever heard them do..

Pretzer said...! I 'd love to see more of their stuff...

Anonymous said...

i was in austin over the weekend...and someone told me that sunday before last HUG's video of.. dont shoot the president...was on myspaces home page...they got 93,000 hits that day....

apparently none of the people who commented understood it...blair must be
