Friday, August 03, 2007

Rebuttal to a comment

Way down there, on my post called A Beautiful Mind, my friend Ana said in the comments:
frankly, david bowie dances like an englishman....not a compliment...

I thought Bowie's dancing in that version of "Stay" was pretty cool. (Not to mention Carlos Alomar being a guitar god...)

As one whose friends told him he once said, "Bowie could poop in a paper bag and I'd buy it*," I feel compelled to make a rebuttal. And I will back it up with proof:

Compare the Bowie englishman dancing with that of some of my other childhood heroes, Chuck Negron, Corey Wells and Danny Hutton of Three Dog Night in the video below. I guess they dance like what? Americans? And yes, their wholesomely powerful American voices could possibly blow Bowie's superior englishman dance moves out of the water. But still.


I rest my case.

Disclaimer: I just know I am going to be burned now, when video of the 60-year old Iggy Pop or James Brown in the T.A.M.I. Show is presented to me as a more appropriate version of American dancing...

*I was baked.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I dance like a rock star

Anonymous said...

found it.........yippee

and gotta agree with ana....tho i might have said "white guy"

Pretzer said...

Yeah, but which rock star, Kev?

Pretzer said...

Hey Margie! Welcome to the party!

Uh oh -- I'm being ganged-up on. I suppose it's time to do another post to clarify the situation.

Anonymous said...

jeeze thats dipping low when you have to pull out those dorks Three Dog make a point...

i was kidding!!!!!!!!!!


Pretzer said...

Dorks? DORKS??

Do I have to make another rebuttal???

Anonymous said...

I thought it was obvious. I dance like Danny Hutton.

Pretzer said...

Oh yes -- I totally see it now. Good thing I was standing next to you at the Family Stone Experience.