Sunday, October 28, 2007

Bobby's all right. He's a natural-born poet. He's just out-of-sight.

I know it's utterly predictable, and therefore lame, but what would a good Halloween soundtrack be without Bauhaus doing "Bela Lugosi's Dead"?

Before we get to it, however, here's a vid I saw 20-some odd years ago and have longed to see since. Through the magic of youtube, here's Bauhaus's amazing take on the T. Rex classic, "Telegram Sam":

OK, let's compare and contrast that with the original:

With that, we're kind of veering away from Halloween music, so let's get back on track with T. Rex doing "Jeepster." What? Yes, of course, it's Halloween music! Listen to the very last line -- "Girl, I'm just a vampire for your love -- and I'm gonna to suck you!" Not to mention that part about your vibrations burning off my feet...

Whew. On to the main event -- Bela Lugosi's Dead. Remember the opening scene in The Hunger? If I ever made eye contact with Catherine Deneuve from across the bar while she chain smoked and french inhaled like that, you can bet I'd let her rip out my throat and suck the life out of me. Besides, walking the earth Undead for eternity would be infinitely cooler if one got to do it hanging around with Bowie:

And to refresh your memory, here's the first ten minutes of The Hunger:

If you've time, here are a couple of bonus tracks. Oh, to be the cream...

All We Ever Wanted

Kick in the Eye

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