Saturday, October 27, 2007

Don't go on the patio!

You better beware...

The B-52's are every sci-fi/monster movie you ever watched on a Saturday afternoon; the wild pool party Robbie and Chip threw when they got ahold of some beer and pot while Steve Douglas was on a business trip and Uncle Charlie was out getting his hemorrhoid lanced and Ernie was locked in his bedroom practicing the Mashed Potatoes; finding Jackie O's blood- and brain-spattered dress at a thrift store and then getting drunk and throwing up all over it because your boyfriend is with someone else; getting secret messages from the aliens on the staticy tv in the waiting room at the dog groomers; the twin threats of instant vaporization by atomic bomb and the slow wasting away of AIDS.

They also wrote some of the sexiest and most danceable songs ever.

Some say she's from Mars:

Where ya taking me, Devil?

I don't know...I feel like something's happening:

Lots of trouble:


Anonymous said...

If it was up to me that Private Idaho clip would have been three minutes and twenty seconds of Cindy.

Pretzer said...

Yeah...but I NEED to have Fred commanding me to get out of the state! Get out of the state I'm in.